Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Alfonso Llanes
Alfonso Llanes, studied at Florida International University
Disruptive innovation is a particular type of innovation that occurs when an innovator brings to a market an innovation that is simple, which is convenient and that’s accessible as in the words of Scott Anthony who writes an Innovation Insights blog for Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning Scott continues: A disruptive innovator transforms existing markets and creates new ones by playing the innovation game in a fundamentally different way. The drivers of change in this light are not only technical but also the model of business adopted making either simpler or more accessible.
The business model must look for something that makes it difficult for people to answer in their occupation and don’t have the skills to resolve the question. Sometimes is lack of funds for accessing a particular solution and other times it just takes too long. Finding a solution to these barriers for obtaining either a technological access or the answer to a difficult question that requires specialized skills can qualify as disruptive innovation. It is not necessarily about doing it better, it is about making it simpler, cheaper, more accessible, more affordable and easier to understand that is what disruption is in a nutshell.
Many a time, detailed quantitative research needs to really pinpoint reality at what the areas of frustration in the market are and where opportunities exist. Sometimes companies provide ways at getting “better and better at things people want less and less” and when that happens, innovation won’t help but innovation of the business model should bring fresh air to the old business practice.
A new technology in the field of innovation which is still work in progress is quantum computing in order to make direct use of quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. The difference between quantum computers from binary digital electronic computers based on transistors is that digital computing requires that the data be encoded into binary digits, each of which is always in one of two definite states (0s or 1s). Quantum computing on the other, hand uses quantum bits, which can be in superposition of states. For example, a quantum Turing machine is a theoretical computer model which is also known as the “universal quantum computer.”
According to current research, as of 2017, the development of actual quantum computers still is in its early stages, but experiments have been carried out in which quantum computational operations were executed on a very small number of quantum bits. As both practical and theoretical research continues, many governments and military agencies are funding quantum computing research in additional effort to develop quantum computers for application to civilian, business, trade, environmental and national security purposes.
The basis for this leap in technology is that in quantum theory, light is not only an electro-magnetic wave but also a set of particles called photons which travel with the speed of light. Research and study in the physics of quantum theory tells us that both light and matter consists of tiny particles which have wavelike properties associated with them. Light is composed of particles called photons, and matter is composed of particles called electrons, protons, neutrons.
Much of the current research on the development of a quantum computer involves work at very low temperatures. One of the burning challenges is therefore, to make them more practical for everyday use at room temperature.
According to the University of Chicago, entanglement is one of the strangest phenomena predicted by quantum mechanics, the theory that underlies most of modern physics: “It says that two particles can be so inextricably connected that the state of one particle can instantly influence the state of the other—no matter how far apart they are. “In the long term, it might even be possible to go from entangled states on the chip SIC to entangled states across distant SIC chips. Such long-distance entangled states have been proposed for synchronizing global positioning satellites and for communicating information in a manner that is fundamentally secured from eavesdroppers by the laws of physics.”

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